TREIHADWYL Cast "healing" on the right rune and "missile damage" on the left one. Go west and get the azure key from a cauldron. Go east and get the crystal key from the far room. Unlock the third door and go south. Get the iron key and unlock the door. Go west at the crossroads. In the clock room, pull both levers and get the key from the clock. Unlock the door and go west. In the lever room, unlock the door and push the middle, right, middle, left and middle levers, then push the button. Return to the clock room and open the north door with the button. Get the ruby and emerald keys. Return to the crossroads and go through the south door ; cast "missile damage" on the rune and get the bronze key. Unlock the door and get the silver key from the last room. Go east from the crossroads, through the resurrection room. Go through the east door, get the crystal key, then unlock the south door and go pull the lever. Return to the east, get the topaz key from the chest, unlock the door and push the button. Unlock the north door and climb down to level 2. Get the ornate key then go north. Get the gold key from the east room and unlock the north room. Get the key from a chest and return south; step on the skull to remove the spikes and unlock the south door. Go west, get the iron key, unlock the door to the east and north to get the 2nd ornate key. Continue west and north. Teleport a character (stand on the circle and pull the lever) and get the crystal key to unlock the north door. Retrieve the 3rd ornate key. Go south and west; get the silver key, and the diamond key 2 rooms to the south. Go north; ine the rune room, cast MD ("missile damage") and MDD on the only accessible rune. Send anyone but the runemaster to pull the lever; MD, lever, MDD, lever, MD, lever, MDD, MD. Go through the door and get the 4th ornate key. Return to the room where you found the silver key, go south and east and get the key. Go east, north, east and south to get the last ornate key. Now return to the room north from the stairs and push the 4 buttons to open the way to the permit. Use the last key to open the way out, leave the dungeon and visit the King. FAGRANC Go w, s, e, s, w, n to enter the teleporter room. Step on the 2 plates. The ruby key to the north door is in the chest, but you'll need to block the teleporter destinations to open it : to do that, lure at least one monster into the room. In the next room, you need a crystal key which can be found in one of the rooms to the w. Unlock the door and get the bronze key. Go s from the teleporter room, then w and get the azure key. Go e, n, and through the door to get the emerald key, which unlocks a door in the room where you found the azure key. Go nw to retrieve the silver key then return to the azure key room and go e then s. Get the gold key from the s, then go e; unlock the door with the iron key found in an altar nearby, and continue s and w to the puzzle room. Put a character on the 1st circle and cast MD on the rune; pull the lever to get teleported to the 3rd circle; send a 2nd character to the 3rd circle, and pull the 2nd lever to teleport him/her to the 3rd lever; pull this one and go between the arrow and the teleport rune; the arrow prevents you from getting close to the chest, so cast MD on the damage rune instead to get teleport ability; teleport to the chest and get the diamond key. Return to the room with 4 locked doors and go west. Go e then s at the crossroads; go through the w door and follow a series of rooms to the gold key. Return to the crossroads and go e, n, w; get the bronze key and use it to unlock a door to the s; get the crystal key from a skeleton nearby then go n from the crossroads. Enter the ward room and get the azure key. Go s from the entrance room, then w, s, e, s, w. To reach the chest, either paralyze a monster on one of the circle, or use a teleport spell (or a cloud ring or potion); anyway, get the ornate key and go through the nearby door. Get the diamond key which unlocks a room on the way out, where you'll find a silver key. This opens a door near the ward room; pull the lever then get the emerald key from the ward room. Go n from the entrance room and head n until you find the iron key; head s in this area to get the silver key; finally, go w and get the topaz key : it opens another room near the ward room; put a character on each of the 3 circles and get the iron key; unlock the door and push the button to release the 2nd ward. Back in the ward room, get the key and go n. Go n, w, get the skull key and open the way to the stairs. Climb down, read the sign and get the dark key, then take the shortcut to the entrance and exit Fagranc. A tavern keeper tells you that the Ancient wishes to speak to you. He wants you to retrieve his mystic staff, stolen by Kilijan. DARK TOWER Go as far s as you can and get the ruby key; go n, e, unlock the door and follow the path to the e. Get the bronze key and backtrack to a lock door in the n wall. Get the diamond key behind this one then go west and unlock the s door. Go s, e, get the silver key and unlock the nearby door. In the garden, cast "missile surround healing" on the spot next to the healing rune, then pull the lever and step on the plate. Return to the entrance, go w, step on the plate, get the iron key then retrieve the crystal key from the room to the e. Go w then s, and open the door with the azure key from the room to the e. Continue s, get the topaz then emerald keys. Go e, s, w, n and get the bronze and gold keys. Enter the room a little way back. Put a character on the circle, send another towards the circle, and when he's almost there, cast "damage teleport" on the teleport rune. Pull the lever to create a bridge, put your characters on all circles and pull the 2nd lever to open the door to level 2. Unlock the door with the key found in the bookcase. Go sw and get the diamond key. In the room opened by this key, pull the lever, push the button then push the lever and exit n. Find the ruby key in the far e room, and use it to unlock a door n of this room. Continue e, and open the door with the emerald key found nearby. In the room beyond, protect yourself with "antimage" before opening the chest, then exit w. Get the azure key and unlock the door. Open the 4 doors by casting MSMD ("missile surround missile damage"), MSMDD, MSMDDD, MSMDDDD on the empty space in the se corner. Go w, s, e; get the key from the s room and climb to level 3. Go w through the locked door, then s, w, s, e and get the iron key. Backtrack and unlock the door to the n. Get the topaz key, unlock the room to the e, get the ruby key and go n. First go through the left door and pull the lever. Then go through the right door, get the bronze key in a room to the n and head e and s. Enter the room to the w and get the emerald key, then continue s and west. Get the azure key, unlock the door, get the silver key from the central room and pull the 2nd lever in the w room. Retrun to the ne corner of the level and unlock the door to get the gold key. Return to the room where you found the emerald key and pull the lever, then enter the central room from the e. Get the crystal key and open the shortcut. Return e, s, unlock the door, go sw to the stairs and get the diamond key. Unlock the door nearby and enter the bridge room; the bridge commands are : "dispell" moves the bridge in the direction that the arrow points to; "paralyze" rotates the pylon; H ("healing") = n ; HH = w ; D = e ; DD = s ; I think you need to point the arrow in all directions before the bridge will move; use it to reach the chest and get the dark key. Enter the room to the s, push the button which allows you to reach the chest by the stairs. Go e and n, get the bronze key, then the silver key. Open the s door and go e. Pull the lever then go to a room directly e of the entrance. Pull the lever there to rotate the central room. Go n, w, s and get the crystal key. Go to the room nw of the entrance and get the diamond key: it opens a room in the w with a 2nd lever in ththat rotates the central room. Go now to the sw of the n area, where you'll find an iron key and pull a lever (guess what it does). Go to the ne of this area and pull the lever, then go to the nw. Read the sign, step on the plate and get the gold key. Open the door in the e area and ascend to level 5. Get the dark key from the sw and use it to enter Kilijan's chamber. Kill him and get the crystal key, skull key and ancient staff. Leave the tower and return the staff to the Ancient. FAGRANC On level 3, go s, get the bronze key then find the emerald key in the se. Now go w from the entrance then n, and get the iron and silver keys. Use this one and follow a series of room to the gold key. Backtrack and go west into the teleporter room. Get the diamond key, open the door, then reach the chest to get the crystal key. Go w and get the 2nd gold key and the 2 ornate keys. Return to the teleporter room and reach the door (you must place characters on the 3 destinations of the teleporter which guards the door) and unlock it. Open the 2 doors e and push the buttons. Pull the 2 levers s of there and go s. Explore alternatively the 2 side rooms, getting keys and pulling levers, until you have the ornate key. Open the left door and get the azure key then go s to level 4. Go to the 2nd crossroads. S of it is the 1st gold key. Go e to get a bronze key which opens a door behind which is a crystal key. Go w then n from the 1st crossroads, and lure a monster into the room to access the topaz key. Go s and w, and get the 2nd gold key and the iron key. Go s through the door just w of the crossroads, get the azure key and go n from the crossroads. Go n and w, using a topaz key, and get the 3rd gold key. Backtrack and go w; use the lever and button to control the bridge, and cross the room. Get the silver key and use it to get the 4th gold key e of the bridge room. Use the 4 gold keys s of the 1st crossroads to get the ornate key, then go n at the 2nd crossroads. Pull the lever and cross the room. Exit the city. BALENHALM Go generally se, passing a door, until you reach looping corridors, where you'll find an iron key on the floor. Return to the door and get the ruby key in the far room. Now go sw until you find a blocked door, and get the gold key from the chest. Use it n of there to reach the crystal key, then go w and get the silver and bronze keys. Enter the room s of the entrance using the ruby key. First go n to get the diamond key, then s to get the azure key, and finally e, where you'll find topaz key. It grants access to a lever which opens a passage to the w. In the teleporter room, block some of the circles to access first the button then the newly appeared tile (you may have to try several times for this one) and go w. Continue nw to find a key which opens the way to another lever and another passage. Open the door with the key found in the room just to the s. Put one character on the blue plate then another on the red one and push the lever. Oush the button in the previous room to open yet another passage. In the last room, unlock the door, get the moon key and serpent crystal then leave via the shortcut. Give your crystal at one of the keeps, then talk to a tavern keeper who'll tell you about the true Stone Masters, the Zendites. MOONHENGE Go through the lower e door to get the crystal key, then through the upper e door. When you reach the lever room, pull the lever to rotate the bridge to the n. Take the southern path to level 2, get the ruby key then return to the entrance via the w path. Pass through the lower e door again, get the silver key from the s room then the azure key from the far room. Return to the entrance and go through the leftmost s door. Follow the rooms until you find the bronze and emerald keys. Backtrack, pushing the button to move the bridge as you go by, continue to the s using your emerald key then go down to level 2. The dark key needed to open the door is in the chest, but you'll have to circle through a series of rooms to get it. Get the azure key too, before going e. Get the silver key then continue e, get the gold and find your way back to the entrance on level 1. Take the lower w passage and follow the corridors sw past the bridge room to the iron key. Go n to level 2. Get the bronze key from behind the rightmost s door, then go through the leftmost one, take the diamond key and return to the entrance on level 1. Take the upper w door and get back to level 2. Go through the lower door first to get the key to the upper one, then retrieve the moon key. Return to level 1 entrance then to level 2 via the rightmost s passage. Follow the corridors and pull the lever to the n before continuing w back to level 1. Return to the entrance and take the upper w path to level 2 and past the door you just opened. When you reach level 1, get the crystal key and moon crystal then go down to the s. Get the skull key before ascending to level 1, and exit Moonhenge; give your crystal at a keep. FAGRANC On level 5, go w until you reach the crossroads. Get the gold key from the n room, then continue w. In the room with teleporters, put characters on all circles to reach the lever and floor plate. Exit w and retrieve the iron key in the far room, then return to the 1st crossroads and go s. In the central room, get the crystal key and go w; go s to get the silver key, then w for the azure key and return to the central room. Go far e and get the bronze key; use it to access the ruby key and pull the lever in the room to the n. Return to the room where you found the azure key and use the lever to reach the button and open the door. Get the dark key, return to the central room, use the floor plate then get the emerald key from the chest and exit s. Head sw until you find the diamond key, which opens the way to level 6. Go s, get the topaz key then the bronze key. Go w and get the ruby key; it will allow you to reach the crystal key needed to access the diamond key in this same room. Go n to the room of levers. Put characters on all 3 circles; send the 4 character to the lever circle, and when he's almost there, pull the lever; pull the lever you've been teleported to, then send the other character to the remaining levers and pull them; get the emerald key then go s and w. Go fetch the azure key to the s then go w and follow the passages to the room with the gold key; use it to reach the silver key and enter the tomb. Pull the lever then go s to the secret room; get the iron key and go w; use the buttons to reach the chest and get the ornate key (the order is G, GR, B, R, O, R). Unlock the door to the s and w, pull the lever, then go down to level 7. Get the Unkey, read the sign and exit. UNSHRINE Invoke the Druids at Moonhenge to learn where the Unshrine will next appear. Answer the 3 riddles (TETRAHAGAEL, SKALET RHA, MYSTIC) then enter the Unshrine. Go w and s to get the iron key; continue w, s, then e and get the azure key; backtrack and go w. Cast "continuous teleport" on the rune and bring all your characters to the other side; put characters on the 3 skulls; cast "missile surround make-weapon" near the relevant rune and exit n. Get the bronze key from the w room and continue n to find the ornate and moon keys. Return to the entrance and go e then s; get the silver key and go on. Go n, get the crystal and gold keys, then go s, w and n. Get the emerald key and use it to get hold of the ruby key (using the red and blue buttons to get to the 1st chest). Go get the topaz key, and send to characters on the circles; pull the lever and get the 2nd ornate key; return to where you found the topaz key and go n. Use the button to set direction of the 1st part of the bridge and the lever to move it; use the other lever to move the 2nd part of the bridge. Exit to the w, get the unkey then find the stairs to the Pit of Despair. Cast "make-weapon" on your party before going down; kill Tetrahagael (very difficult and long; use your assassin's ability to backstab as much as possible), get the unkey from its body then get the dragon crystal and skull key; exit and give your crystal. FAGRANC Go e, follow the pasasages to the crystal key; enter the room it opens, pull the lever then get the gold and iron key and exit w. Get the crystal key and go down. Get the azure, diamond, ruby and iron keys respectively from the nw, se, e and n then go s. Find the azure key in the room to the se, go w and get the dark key. Return to the entrance on level 7 (in the teleporter room, step on the floor plate, block the 3 teleporter destinations then use the ornate key), and go s. Go w to get the bronze key then s and w. Get the gold and silver keys and go n to the stream room : it's divided in 2 parts (you can't teleport from one bank to the other), and a floor plate closes the door as soon as you enter the w bank; so kill one of your characters and leave his bones in front of the door; now find your way to the right bank, pull the lever and cast a "missile vivify" on your dead character; get the ornate key and leave through the n door. Continue towards the sw and get the iron and diamond keys, then descend to level 8. Go e, get the silver key from the s, then go n and w. Lure monsters in this room and "continuous paralyze" them on the skulls; send characters on the teleporter loop, timing it so that they block each other; you can now access the diamond key; unlock the door and cast "forward missile forward paralyze" on the pillar to open the exit. After going n, get the emerald key from the w then open the door and pull the lever. Return to the room with wards and pull the lever, which open a passage w of the stairs. Push the button there, then use the lever to open another passage se. Get the crystal key, presss the button and use the lever to remove the last ward. Go e, get the gold key from the far room then return to the double doors. Go through the left door and kill one of your characters (leave his bones on the skull); now go through the right door, vivify your dead character and cast "missile teleport" on the rune; get the ruby key and give it to the character on the other side; get the ornate key and return to the room with the wards. Go n and get the chaos crystal. Exit Fagranc and give your crystal. THE KING Be sure to stock up on craven images before going there, and save them for the last fight. Go e, s, w and get the emerald key; use it nearby and push the button. Return to the entrance. Go west, get the key and continue s. In this room, press the floor plates in the order ne, sw, n then get the key from the chest and exit s (use "teleport" spells in this room). Go to the se, retrieve the crystal key, go n, get the bronze key. Return to the entrance and go n; first get the silver key in the nw tower, then the iron key in the ne tower; return to the nw tower and go s to the sw tower. Go e (getting the ruby key to unlock the way), use the floor plates to remove the wards and open the door, and go to the se tower then n. Lure at least one monster into the room. Send a character on the lone skull to the right; block the other 3 skulls using at least 1 monster, and send a character on the circle; press the button and get the iron key; pull the lever and exit n. Enter the ne tower using the gold key found in the resurrection room and climb to level 2. Follow the path to the control room (the floor plates there rotate rooms further; I will give them the names of their access keys). Go s and find the crystal key. Back in the control room, step on the crystal plate once. Find the azure key in the room thus opened, and return to the control room. Step on the crystal plate thrice, and on the azure plate once. You have access to the bronze key, which opens a door s of where it's found. The gold key beyond allows you to enter the sw tower, where you'll find a bronze key. Get the emerald key e of there and get back to the control room. Step thrice on the emerald plate, and retrieve the iron key, then the diamond key. Return to the control room, step thrice on the azure plate and twice on the emerald plate, go fetch the ruby key, step twice on the emerald plate and once on the ruby plate. Get the ornate key from the se tower, use it in the room at the n of the central part, return to the control room and unlock the w door with the topaz key. Go to the nw tower and climb to level 3. Get the 4 gold keys from the corners of the great room. Use them to access the King's chambers. This fight is ridiculously difficult, but having high luck will prevent you from dying too soon and give you time to cast spells. Anyway, kill the king and his minions, get the ornate key from his body, exit n and read the sign.